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Have a 20/20 Vision for 2020 for your cleaning business

10 steps to set and achieve your goals for the new year.

Happy New Year! Are you ready to have clear, 20/20 vision for the year 2020? As you set up your goals for the new year, follow these steps so you can be the type of person who actually does something about achieving your goals instead of just thinking and talking about achieving them. This advice should help you whether you are just starting your cleaning business or if you have had many years of building your maid service.

1. Pursue your goals relentlessly.

You have to go after your goals with everything you’ve got, not just wait around for them to be realized by some magical process without effort. Give it everything you’ve got and pursue your goals relentlessly. If you’ve been in business for awhile, you’ve probably thought about your goals and talked about them endlessly. The first step is to move towards action, to have a deep commitment to achieve your goals and your grand vision. Imaging the reward that you’ll get from reaching the goal and use that as a carrot to keep moving forward. Maybe your goal is to improve the training program for your cleaning staff, or to get out of the field and stop cleaning as a business owner. Whatever it is, pursue your goal relentlessly.

2. Recognize that only you are responsible for you.

You are 100% responsible for everything that is happening in your life. Haven’t achieved your dreams or are not where you want to be with your business? It’s your fault. Don’t have enough time?  Feel overwhelmed, overscheduled, or frazzled? Your fault. Everything in your life is a result of what you did or what you did not do. It’s your responsibility to achieve your goals. Don’t make excuses. The success of your cleaning business relies on the effort that you put in.

3. Work hard.

Unfortunately, there is no magic shortcut to success—you have to work hard, push yourself, and have a tremendous work ethic. You have to out-hustle everyone else if you want to conquer your goals while everyone else is coasting along.

4. Early bird gets the worm.

Set yourself up for success by getting a head start on the day, getting up early enough to focus on important business and taking care of yourself. You don’t need to sacrifice your sleep, but adjust your schedule so that you can get up earlier. And when you get up early, don’t waste your time on Instagram or TV. Instead, pray, meditate, or read something inspirational, do some exercise, and eat well. Focus on your high priority activities with fresh energy.

5. Stay healthy.

You’ve got to have energy and health in order to meet or exceed your goals. Getting into shape is a necessary step to success, and then staying healthy keeps you going. Your body needs to be highly functioning in order to carry out all your plans and aspirations.

6. What are your core values?

When you live by a set of core values don’t just do what’s popular or go along with the crowd. Most people’s ethics change whenever the situation changes, if it serves their agenda and if it seems like no one will notice. Don’t do this. Instead, figure out what your personal values are, write them down, and live by them every day.

7. Have faith in yourself.

You need to believe in yourself in order to achieve your goals for your cleaning business. You’ve got to believe that you are capable and believe that your goals are possible. The only thing keeping you from realizing your dreams is your belief in yourself. So set your mind to something and know that you can accomplish and achieve anything.

8. Be resolute.

We all have moments when we doubt ourselves and wonder whether our goals are just too crazy to be achieved. We start to wonder whether the critics were right. Every successful person has dealt with doubt, but the difference is that they didn’t waver or break. They stood fast, with resolve, with the iron mindset that “I will do this or I will die trying,” or “I will not give in or give up.” Doubt is part of the human drama, but don’t let it consume you— let it motivate you. Look at doubt as an enemy that you must defeat with your steadfast belief in your dreams. Your self-doubt won’t stand a chance. Be resolute.

9. Take risks for your big, hairy, audacious goals.

To achieve your extraordinary goals you have to take on extraordinary risk— risk your ego and the acceptance of others. Your life is probably somewhat comfortable right now, which is part of the problem. It’s not exactly where you wanted to be but it’s not bad enough to force you to really wake up and do whatever it takes. But your current results are nowhere near what you’re truly capable of achieving. You’re living below your potential. You’ve got to be willing to risk your ego to realize your big, hairy, audacious goals for your cleaning business.

10. Constantly invest in yourself.

The more you work hard to improve your skills during study, practice, and preparation, the less likely your goals will fall by the wayside. This last step to achieving your goals is a constant and never-ending step. It is your continual personal growth and development. Continually invest in your success in order to achieve the goals you have not been able to achieve before. Achievement starts with growth and study. Tip: one way to invest in yourself is to join me in Dallas for training on creating a $1M cleaning business.

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