by Debbie Sardone | Oct 9, 2016 | Speed Cleaning
Recently I was on a morning radio show to talk about a new study that just came out about the dangers of dust. This Harvard University study found over 45 chemicals in five different classes, including carcinogenic chemicals. This gives a whole new seriousness to the...
by Debbie Sardone | Mar 7, 2016 | Speed Cleaning
>Here comes the sun! Spring is right around the corner, with longer daylight hours and beautiful nature in bloom. Don’t let dusty, dirty blinds distract you from enjoying a nice view — “Oh, my tulips are coming up! And, eww, my blinds are filthy!” Here are some tips...
by Debbie Sardone | Jan 14, 2016 | Speed Cleaning
Easy steps to help you declutter, deep clean, and possibly gain a little insight When the holidays are over, we start to see the familiar slogan “New Year, New You” show up everywhere. Our twist on that will be “New Year, New Food.” Let’s get rid of the holiday...
by Debbie Sardone | Jan 14, 2016 | Speed Cleaning
Speed Cleaning has you covered with this green method of cleaning tile grout Do you recall what color your grout was when it was new? Or if your tile was installed by a previous homeowner, do you have any idea what color the grout is supposed to be? Follow Speed...
by Debbie Sardone | Jan 14, 2016 | Speed Cleaning
Bring back your furniture’s natural beauty If you’ve got a thick, sticky film on, say, your wood kitchen table and chairs, your kitchen cabinets, a coffee table, a door, a hand rail, etc., it’s time to remove that gummy mess and get down to the clean original finish....